Planning a Bosnia Trip; Travel Guide and Solo Tips

Last updated on April 29th, 2024 at 03:17 pm

It was my first trip to Bosnia. As I stood just below the shadow of Mostar Bridge, I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that my gut instinct had not let me down at this moment. The sun cast a beautiful shadow along the coast, highlighting the charming buildings, silhouettes of shuffling people, and the vivacious bridge-jumpers lined up along the bridge’s edge like small stick-figures. 

If I had listened to what everyone had said beforehand, or allowed the bullet holes embedded in the building’s exteriors to deter me, I wouldn’t have visited one of the most fascinating countries on my travel escapades throughout Europe. 


Everything To Know About A Trip To Bosnia

Where Exactly Is Bosnia?

Located along the Balkan Peninsula in the Southeastern region of Europe, Bosnia & Herzegovina is conveniently bordered by Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia – making visiting the country affordable and relatively simple. 

Home to charming villages, the alps, historical cities, and untouched nature, a trip to Bosnia should absolutely be on everyone’s itinerary if they’re visiting the region. 

map of bosnia

How To Get There

At the time I was backpacking around Croatia for a few weeks, and opted to visit Bosnia from there. From Split, it takes just under 3 hours to get there – which is possible to do in a day trip! There’s also a daily train service from Zagreb to Bosnia available. 

Bus connections around Europe are the way to go in my opinion, and are sometimes more comfortable and cheaper than the trains! I’ve always traveled with FlixBus, but there are so many travel options for visitors, depending on where you are.

  • Budapest to Bosnia; 13 hours by bus
  • Serbia to Bosnia; 8 hours by bus
  • Austria to Bosnia; 12 hours by bus

Budget airlines around the continent are also a great go-to option, and can be found for pretty cheap too! Some of them may have a short layover, but then will get you there in no time!

What You Need Before Visiting

Most people don’t realize how easy it is to plan a Bosnia trip; however, it’s always important to check specific policies before visiting the country (depending on your citizenship, etc.) 

Whether you’re doing a day trip or traveling through on your own, you’ll always need your passport with you just in case. Visas typically aren’t needed for short visits, but be sure to check this depending on your reason for visiting. 

Many of the smaller regions in Bosnia do not accept credit cards, so it’s advisable to have some cash with you. I made this mistake when I took a day trip from Croatia with only my credit card and Kunas. ATM’s are hard to find, but luckily I found ONE in Mostar!

bosnia towns

Is Bosnia Safe For Solo Travelers?

Naturally, I was slightly apprehensive to visit based on the country’s turbulent past, and was a little nervous upon exiting the bus in Mostar. What I found was a rich culture, history, friendly locals, and a misunderstood nation. Like anywhere in the world, it’s important to remain diligent as a solo traveler, and understand common scams before visiting.

I walked the streets and dined out alone without having any issues in Mostar and other smaller neighborhoods. The only thing I’d keep an eye on is people asking for money in the streets. Sometimes they’ll try to charge you for popular tourist attractions.. So either figure out the money before or simply say no!

  • Understand the money exchange before visiting. I definitely overpaid for souvenirs once or twice because I couldn’t figure out the money.. And the shopkeeper didn’t help
  • Always wear a crossbody bag and don’t have your phone out and about
  • Always shield your debit card number when you use an ATM
  • Like anywhere, don’t splash the cash or dress overly wealthy
mostar bridge

Hidden Gems To Visit On A Bosnia Trip

Bosnia is a labyrinth of medieval towns, beautiful waterfalls, and rugged landscapes. People often don’t realize how much the country actually has to offer until they visit!

While I wish I had more time to explore more of the country, these were some of the must-visit spots and hidden gems I found during my time spent there. 

  • Mostar City and Mostar Bridge
  • Kravice Waterfall
  • Počitelj Village 
  • Počitelj Citadel Fortress
  • Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque

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